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Thank You, Bryant: Nicole Kim

Bryant Athletics will feature "Thank You, Bryant" letters from senior student-athletes over the course of the next two weeks.

During this unprecedented time of fear and the unknown, all I can say is that I'm so grateful for my four years at Bryant. Many aren't fortunate enough to receive an amazing education and play the sport they love.

Thank you to my coaches, Theresa and Ted, who pushed me to be a better athlete and leader. I'd also like to thank the graduate assistants- Veronika, Eryn, and Taylor- and the hard-working athletic trainers, especially Amy, who I've been so lucky to learn and receive support from.

Thank you to the best teammates I could ever ask for. They are truly part of my family and have each helped me grow into the person I am today. There isn't a Bryant memory that doesn't include one of my teammates, special shoutout to Bri and Sydney.

Thank you to Dr. Kevin Martins, Kelly Boutin, and the amazing CDI staff. So many marginalized people at Bryant depend on and appreciate all the work that you guys do. I'd also like to thank KJ, Lily, and WOKE Athletes for centering athletes in their mission and providing a safe space for me and countless others. WOKE Athletes has given me an opportunity to become a better leader and has taught me to use my privilege to speak out against the injustices that are endured by people of color, especially Black and Brown.

Thank you to Kelley Tiarks, Stephanie Carter, and ACE for being so supportive of students and helping me realize my passion for tutoring.

Thank you to my family for always encouraging me to be the best that I can be and sacrificing so much for me to be successful. 

Thank you to all the friends I've made at Bryant, the real ones know who they are. I am so lucky to have the most amazing system comprised of people who make me a better person each and every day. The last four years have flown by and I'll have memories to last me a lifetime.

Thank you for every big and little moment, Bryant.

Nicole Kim #8