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Thank You, Bryant: Robert Davis

Thank You, Bryant: Robert Davis

Bryant Athletics will feature "Thank You, Bryant" letters from senior student-athletes over the course of the next two weeks.

Dear Bryant,

Thank You.

For handing me countless opportunities to learn and grow not only as a student-athlete but as a person. Through each failure, you were there to extend a hand in order to bring me back to my feet. With each success, you were there to celebrate my accomplishments alongside me.

However, there is one thing for which I hold the deepest thanks: Thank you, for surrounding me with a community built on support and giving me the opportunity to meet the people that have become far more then just friends or teammates. In many cases, I think of the people I know from campus as family, not simply friends. Family that I would have never met if not for Bryant's existence.

Leaving the immediate presence of campus as a senior this year is hard but not intimidating. That's because no matter what happens I know that myself, along with all the other seniors, have a community of Bulldogs that if ever needed would be there to support us.  

"Once a Bulldog, Always a Bulldog"

Rob Davis Class of 2020